
LOUIS VUITTON☆これボールペンなんですょ。勿体無くって使えないぃ 祝★らしいのですけれども、まだまぁだなんですよね…本当になるよう張り切っていきたいと思います!!しかしまぁよくコレ買おうと思いましたなぁ〜流石ですよ。最高です(>_<)この恩は必ずぅぅ〜
そう、さっき外でお友達と他愛の無い話しをしていたら、パトカーに挟まれた。ショックだよ なんも無いのに… って警察さん曰く、この辺で人が死んでたらしいっ!はぁ!?だよ。車ん中で自殺(?)らしい。困るんだけどっ 不吉すぎる。
そうっ!!!多くの方に「あれって実話?!」とコノ日記のことを言うのですが…嘘なんて書かないですよ 全てノンフィクションですからねぇ!頼みマス。

A lie is not told just because today is April Fool's Day.
LOUIS VUITTON This is a ballpoint. It is not possible to use it because it is too good. It is early though thinks that it is a congratulatory gift. It holds out to become true. However, why was the ballpoint bought?It is very. It is highest feelings. (>_<)This reward is done without fail.
Recently, it falls into the panic. Did it experience like this and do it exist?Therefore, it is scared to sleep. When occurring, the panic is done. It is free half asleep.
It was placed by the patrol car when speaking outside with the friend ahead. It is shock. Nothing is done. It was said that the person died around here. It embarrasses it. No good luck passes. You also stop committing suicide. So. It is asked by many people, "Is this diary a true story?"The lie is not written. All are true stories. It asks.