

皆様、私が「パニックに陥る」との表現を使用したために、多くの方から励ましのお言葉を頂き誠に感謝をしております。しかしながら適切でなかったことを、ここで深くお詫びすると共に、二度と同じ過ちを繰り返すことの無いよう気をつけます。心より深くお詫び申し上げます。                    敬具


Dear sir.
We wish to express our gratitude indeed for getting the word of the encouragement a lot because everybody and I used the expression with 「Fall into the panic」. However, it is taken care might not apologize for inapposite it deeply here and never to repeat both same errors then. I apologize sincerely deeply.                Yours.

It is severe with I or others recently. However, the school starts soon. Meal is a cake. Let's mend. Rica has bought 'Timtam' in Australia before. After that, it eats when buying it in the shop. It is favorite. However, the taste is the same though it ate the complete range. All are the same.

It is a photograph of the number of cars of HAWAII. It misses it.