
こんなところカラおめでとう☆あず&caesarサン えぇ〜っと何歳になったんだっけ??やっと21歳かぁ!?わかっ!! 人生これからです♪沢山楽しみましょう。(本当はケーキの写真を載せるはずが…かわゆいの無かったのでコレで勘弁…花は実果サンweddingの時の♪)
今日は気がついたら証明写真が無かった…。そぉっこぉ伊勢丹サンに行ったよぅ。ホント心臓に悪いぃぃ。だからとげぬき地蔵さんに行ってきました。その後お煎餅屋さんに行って抹茶味のを購入♪本気ウマイッ!!雷神堂サンです。仲良くなったので又行かせてもらいまぁす。 帰り→LOVEトモエと久しぶりに会ったぁ 元気そうでなによりですわ★どぅよEXPO

Happy birthday★ Azu&Caesa.What years old did it become? It became 21 years old at last. It is young.Let's enjoy it a lot. (There was no photograph of a cake.) There was no proof photograph when noticing today.It went to Isetan in a hurry. It is really bad for the heart. And Therefore, a shrine has been visited.I bought the rice cracker.It is seriously delicious.I will go again because it happily became a person in the shop.It met loved Tomoe after a long time.How about the Expo?
What will be eaten today? It is pleasure. The elder sister went back to Japan. It went to the whole country and has gone to the foreign country.It is enviable.