突破!1000☆(The counter exceeded 1000)


日頃の感謝を込めて〜。写真公開ですっ!!!(あんまどぅでもいいっていぅ…)ちなみ写真は相当前なのでミホ。たろろん&チャーミィ&パンちゃんとの集い。そして今日から英語ver.スタートでっす!!よぉぉく考えたら日本語読めない人沢山居たから。コレでママもパパも(LoroFAMILY☆)KIMもALIもAGUSも、そしてJAMESも!!皆みぃんなっ読めるかなぁ〜って。けれども…間違っていたら教えてくださいねぇ BEAU先生&RIE先生
It is thanks to everybody. A new photograph was exhibited.(It is so unrelated. )
And it writes also in English from today. It is because those who cannot understand Japanese are also among those who are wanted to read. Loro family, KIM,ALI,AGUS and JAMES☆Can all be read?However, please teach when wrong.  BEAU teacher &RIE teacher♪